About Faculty

About Faculty

Since 1981, Yarmouk University has preceded the distinction among other Jordanian universities by embracing the four fine arts majors (design and applied arts, plastic arts, Music, and drama). The university began awarding a bachelor's degree in these disciplines within the Department of Fine Arts scope. With the advent of the third millennium, and with the university's celebrations of its silver jubilee in the academic year 2001/2002, these disciplines were structured within the scope of the College of Fine Arts with its four departments: the Department of Design and Applied Arts, the Department of Fine Arts, the Department of Music, and the Department of Drama. The departments of the College of Fine Arts currently cover the following specialized tracks: the Department of Design and Applied Arts (Graphic Design, Interior Design, Industrial Design, and Fashion Design), and the Department of Plastic Arts (Handicrafts, Painting and Photography, Ceramics, Sculpture, Photography, Graphics, and Printing) Department of Music (musical performance), Department of Drama (Filmmaking, Performing Arts). The college awards a bachelor's degree in the fields mentioned above of study, in addition to two-master's programs in music and plastic arts. All academic programs in the college have been accredited by the Higher Education Accreditation Commission and their quality assurance.




The Faculty of Arts at Yarmouk University is focusing on graduating qualified scientific and artistic students that possess the ability and competence required to keep pace with the findings of contemporary science and arts and actively contribute to the rapid and development movement, whether at the local or global level, through the following specializations: Design and Applied Arts, Plastic arts, Music, and drama.



Dean’s Message

Refining students' artistic talents in various fields by providing outstanding education based on theory and practice to delegate technical expertise to society to build a knowledge economy. The college also focuses on creating an educational environment that suits the community's needs in the various accredited majors in the college.




The college seeks through its programs to focus on belonging and loyalty to Jordan. It also seeks to conclude many academic agreements with Arab and international universities to create an atmosphere of positive interaction between different cultures.




  • Qualifying artistic talents in the four college departments, with a high level of knowledge and skills, in line with the journey of art and its history in the Arab world and internationally.
  • Giving research and technical studies related to the faculty's specializations the crucial importance to support the Jordanian art movement.
  • Work to develop technical research methods and their theoretical and practical tools.
  • Emphasizing studies related to local and Arab heritage and making use of its information.
  • Developing laboratories and technical professionals in the college’s specializations.
  • Raising the student's scientific, artistic, and professional personalities, and developing their capacity for thinking and creativity, and activating the spirit of research and work for them.
  • Directing college students to interact with the art and products of other cultures.
  • Stimulation of the college's workshops is essential because it creates an act of communication between the teacher and the student and stimulates the curiosity of research and knowledge in them.
  • Linking the faculty's specializations with the government’s plans and projects and the community's scientific and cultural needs.

The Department of Fine Arts was founded at the beginning of the academic year 80/81 in the sections of the Faculty of Arts and remained in the Departments of Education and Arts, which was established in the academic year 88/89. In 2000 year, the department became a College of Fine Arts .

Contact us

Phone : 027211111(2581)
Fax : 027211112
E-mail : Finarts.fac@yu.edu.jo
Address :Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Copyright © 2025 YU.


+96227211111Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163