About Faculty

Dean's Message

Dean's Message


The College of Science was established in 1976, coinciding with the establishment of the university and was part of the College of Science and Arts, as they were separated into two independent colleges in 1981. The college currently includes seven academic departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Life Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and a Scientific service courses.All bachelor's and master's degrees are awarded in the specialization, except for the department of scientific service courses. The Department of Physics also grants a bachelor’s degree in medical physics since the beginning of the academic year 2004/2005, and a master’s degree in nuclear physics as of the beginning of the academic year 2011/2012, and the Department of Life Sciences grants a master’s degree In the field of biotechnology since the beginning of the academic year 2003/2004. As for the Scientific Service Courses Department, it was established in 2017 to serve the requirements of the university Electives, and no academic degree is awarded. The number of students who are continuing their studies for the bachelor's and master's levels for the 2015/2016 year is (2,679) male and female students, while the number of faculty members has reached (169) members of various academic ranks. The college is concerned with following up on updating the study plans of its various departments, as the laboratories were provided with the latest necessary equipment, and in 1998 the college obtained grants from the group The European Union and the World Bank to develop teaching programs for the undergraduate level in line with the developments of the times and the requirements of the local community. The college is affiliated with the Jordanian Natural History Museum, which documents the natural life in Jordan, including animals, plants, rocks, minerals and fossils. The college includes many research and specialized scientific laboratories that contribute to raising the level of scientific research and the scientific competence of students.


The Department of Fine Arts was founded at the beginning of the academic year 80/81 in the sections of the Faculty of Arts and remained in the Departments of Education and Arts, which was established in the academic year 88/89. In 2000 year, the department became a College of Fine Arts .

Contact us

Phone : 027211111(2581)
Fax : 027211112
E-mail : Finarts.fac@yu.edu.jo
Address :Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
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