Device Name | Teaching / Research | Utilized in Community Service | Owner Name / Count () | A Summary of the Work | Device Place | Notes |
Scanning Electron Microscope + digital Edx system | Research | Utilized | Hadeel Harazallah | مجهر إلكتروني لتصوير العينات الصلبة المختلفة بتكبيرات عالية وتحليل العناصر باستخدام ال EDX | ج109 | -- |
Carbon Coater | Research | Utilized | Hadeel Harazallah | تغليف العيانات بالكربون لإستخدامها في التحليل على المجهر الإلكتروني | ج109 | -- |

The Department of Fine Arts was founded at the beginning of the academic year 80/81 in the sections of the Faculty of Arts and remained in the Departments of Education and Arts, which was established in the academic year 88/89. In 2000 year, the department became a College of Fine Arts .